Responsible tourism guide & responsible sailing tips
by Frontier Adriatic in partnership with Green Sail
Sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly popular in today’s society with people looking to fulfill their desire to travel without negatively impacting the environment. In the past, increased tourist activity has had a direct correlation with environmental issues such as litter, reduced species of flora and fauna and increased levels of waste.
Clear turquoise waters, pebble strewn beaches and lush green vegetation…this idyllic image is how the Dalmatian coastline and the islands dotted throughout the Adriatic appear now. The important thing to remember when you visit this little slice of paradise is that it’s beauty will only remain intact if sustainable practices are put into place.
At Frontier Adriatic we are passionate about raising awareness of environmental policies and we think we can awaken awareness in our guests as well.
We believe the promotion of environmental awareness will have a prolonged positive impact and will help to maintain Croatia as a sustainable tourism destination for future generations.
The movement, led by Green Sail, has developed policies and direct action projects which have been adopted and continue to have a positive effect on local tourism operating environments.
These include coastal cleaning, coastal waste reduction, recycling promotion, green tours and education of staff and guests.
Simple steps to start with
Recycle and separate waste
Separating waste will enable the waste to be recycled and reused and will in a way reduce the amount of real waste! Buy yourself a reusable bottle and get rid of disposable water bottles.
Reduce Water Consumption
Despite Croati has lots of water resources, water is still a precious resource and one that shouldn’t be wasted. It is really not hard to keep your showers short and turning the tap off when brushing your teeth!
Take all of your rubbish with you
The amount of rubbish that ends up in the Adriatic Sea as a direct result of tourism is frightening! As the saying goes ‘take only pictures, leave only footprints’. Ensure that you clean up after yourself, taking all rubbish with you when you leave.
Buy Local
Why sailing in Croatia one of the best ways to experience local life is to visit local markets and by buying local produce you can do something for yourself as well as for environment. Buying local helps local people to continue with eco growing but benefits your help as well as local produce is definitely healthier using less preservatives and it is also free of plastic packaging that usually ends up in the sea, polluting it and killing sea animals.
It is not difficult to implement these small changes, but they could make all a difference, ensuring that marine pollution doesn’t spoil the Dalmatian Coastline. Eco Friendly cruises are a great way to explore Croatia and give back to the community at the same time.
Keep your deck rubbish free
It will be in your best interest to regularly clean the boat and keep items and rubbish off the deck as they easily end up in the Sea.
Avoid using your motor when possible
One way of our contribution for a greener future is that we use as less fossil fuels as possible, We drive hybrid cars and main transportation we use is a sailing boat anyway and we try to sail much more then motor. Use your holidays to slow down and get back in touch with yourself and the nature. The best way to do this is to switch off the engine, hoist your sails and enjoy peacefull sailing.
Give Back
Holidays with Fronter Adratic are the perfect opportunity to give back to the planet. Your contribution in cleaning up local beaches and participating in awareness activities will have a considerable effect on the landscape, flora and fauna of the area. Preserving these awe-inspiring locations will ensure they are maintained for future generations to experience.
Start a Conversation
We noticed that people talk about pollution more and more in the last years meaning that awareness of its importance is here and this is the easiest thing all of us can do for cleaner future. Talking and educating our kids about it can have amazing impact as they are the next generation and can be thought the right way. From our experience kids are all in when you explain them why it is important and they are hands on when we go beach cleaning. You can start conversation with anybody you meet on your holidays or during your busy days at home. First step of change is awareness and education and it is easy!
Educate and Inform
Our team and partners actively participate in the green movement in Croatia. Ask your skipper to spend a day on the beach get your recyclable bags and gloves and clean at least a small part of the beach. Doing this with your kids can be fun and will definitely have great impact on their green awareness and their future.
We are building an environmental awareness on a reciprocal relationship where education is passed freely between guests and crew members. The lessons that are absorbed by the crew during the Frontier Adriatic cruise continue to be implemented throughout the rest of the summer, are passed along to others in the sailing industry and are fed back to new guests throughout the season in the hope that they too will adopt eco-friendly practices throughout their cruise and later when they go back home.
Taking the above into consideration when sailing in Croatia will ensure all of us are able to enjoy the wealth of natural resources available for years to come!
Eco-tourism ensures the future of Croatia’s environmental sustainability and is a trend that is here to stay. Thank You for helping us in making a difference today.